Common Java Practice Problems Illegal character in path at index 49

 with Illegal Character in Path when i am going to call Rest API using Java 11 HttpClient.

 Mostly the reason of this error is url contains empty space (" "). in my case 


Some reason when i get to call Get Api from my java class which is as follows 

public static HttpResponse callRestApiGet(String url)


     try {  

             request =HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create(url)) .

                        header("Content-Type", "application/json") .


         response = null; 

         response = client.send(request,                                                 HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());

         } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e)



             return null;

            } catch (URISyntaxException e)

             { e.printStackTrace(); 

                    return null;



 And my Test class As follows 

public class Test


     public static void main(String[] args) 


         CustomerService service = new CustomerService();

         String name = "Ankush Sawaleram Supnar";




 But it shows me the error URISyntaxException with Illegal Character in Path

 "http://localhost:8080/api/customers/byname/Ankush Sawaleram Supnar"

 When i called this url from my browser and also in Postman it shows me the correct result.

 Solution for this problem is replace space from our String variable to %20 mostly used for white spaces. 

 name = name.replace(" ", "%20"); 

 and then our url is as follows:

 url= "http://localhost:8080/api/customers/byname/Ankush%20Sawaleram%20Supnar";

 This way my problem is solved. 

Thank you for reading my Post.

